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Food for Thought

August 20, 2012

I remember the good old days of entertaining. 

There would be a basic assortment of cheeses, a crudités plate, and salty snacks for appetizers, assorted booze, wine and sodas.

I’d serve a tossed salad, make a lovely roast,  mashed potatoes, a green veggie, a gooey dessert and coffee. Wham bam, easy breezy.

Fast forward to today’s issues. Whatta culinary headache!

Suzy is gluten allergic. Marti is lactose intolerant, Rob doesn’t eat meat, Sam is allergic to shellfish, Uncle Earl has gas and doesn’t know what to eat, Aunt Arlene is dieting ( as she shovels a dish of peanuts down before even setting her purse down), Jenny is anorexic and doesn’t eat anything, and Don has diabetes.

This is my gastric nightmare. I feel like a 5 star spa, trying to cater to the needs of my special guests. It would have been easier to take them all out!

I made deviled eggs, shrimp wrapped in turkey bacon with white horseradish inside,  and I figured those who wouldn’t eat the appetizers could drink themselves through this portion of the program which they happily did. Vodka, scotch, wine, lemonade, diet sodas, regular sodas, ice tea, sparkling water; I feel like a barmaid.

The Caesar salad was cold and crispy, and Steve’s homemade dressing a crowd pleaser. Even the anorexic pushed two leaves down.

I bought filet mignon and gorgeous wild sockeye salmon. The little roasted potatoes were yummy in onion soup mix and garlic infused oil. (The dieter had extra helpings of those while she kept inquiring about the calorie content of everything.) The asparagus baked in the oven was farm fresh and just this side of al dente.

The thick steaks were rare,  and the salmon with a sour cream dill sauce was so flavorfuI.  I figured if they starved,…..they starved!

No one starved.

Dessert was decadent caramel fudge brownies,  a bowl of fresh peaches, strawberries and blueberries, and various flavors of ice cream. I didn’t hear one peep from anyone over those while spoons were diving in from all sides. Suddenly the allergies and diets be damned as the vultures attacked. The dieter totaled 7,500 calories while she kept saying “tomorrow’s a new day”.

Works for me.

Uncle Earl disappeared into the bathroom early on and hasn’t been heard from since.

It took me 10 hours to prep and cook this “simple” dinner for friends from which I am totally exhausted and broke. Next time I go for pizza, hot dogs and Popsicles .

They all checked in to thank me and to say it was delicious. They suggested maybe we should do it again for Thanksgiving. Go gobble yourselves!

8 Comments leave one →
  1. Allyson Rose permalink
    August 20, 2012 5:30 pm

    Kathy I can’t tell you how much I LOVE your blog posts! I have been a fan since your first day on QVC and have always loved listening to you and reading what you wrote. You should be a writer on a sitcom, you are so funny.

  2. Arlene permalink
    August 20, 2012 6:30 pm

    Boy does this ever sound so familiar. I have been making Thanksgiving since 1987. Never missed a single year, even with moving, and all kinds of other things going on. I have had all the characters you mentioned at my house, and every year there are usually a couple of additions. I usually start cooking on Sunday and freeze everything. Every year, I start thinking do I really want to do this? I know I would feel too guilty to stop doing it. Everyone is counting on me. Of course, this is all in addition to the parties I make during the year. I have slowed down quite a bit though. Are we crazy ?

  3. Amy Ellwood permalink
    August 20, 2012 10:53 pm

    Kathy, tell me about it. I keep 3 x5 cards and take notes after I invite friends for dinner and then learn; ” we don’t eat meat anymore, we only eat free range chicken, I only use Splenda, I don’t use Splenda, etc. etc. etc”. I enjoy having friends over to share a meal, jacuzzi and relax but it is getting ridiculous.

  4. Natalie Chernow permalink
    August 20, 2012 11:59 pm

    Kathy, that was hysterical.

  5. August 21, 2012 12:56 am

    OMG!! You are a riot!

  6. jody ferrell permalink
    August 21, 2012 12:59 am

    Kathy, next time make it simple… The dieter gets a veggie, the anorexic does not need a plate, the diabetic and the vegatarian can eat veggies. the gluten free diet, they can
    have a plate of rice and for the rest of us? Well we can all enjoy a roast!!!

  7. Sheila Engelhart permalink
    August 21, 2012 3:46 pm

    Things have changed,indeed,but there has always been one in every crowd! Many years ago,dinner at our house was offered as a prize at a fund raiser auction (they flattered me into it,and I was much younger).I carefully called all 6 couples,inquiring as to allergies and tastes.I learned that one husband would not eat chicken under any circumstances,but his wife did not mention any other problems.I planned my menu,avoiding any poultry,.I decided to make a frozen chocolate mousse and cookies for dessert which could be made ahead .of time.
    . My dinner was wonderful,appreciated by my guests,and fun until dessert,When I brought out my gorgeous mousse(2 hours work) fresh whipped cream ,and beautiful co
    okies,everyone oohed and ahhed,except for the” no chicken for my husband” lady,She looked at the mousse and said”Chocolate?I don’t eat chocolate!”.Murder was in my heart!

  8. Kathy Potter permalink
    August 22, 2012 3:18 pm

    Love your blogs! Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that people have not only developed more health-related problems, but the amount of pickiness seems to have increased overwhelmingly. I’ll stand on my head and spin around for those with health problems. As for the others, “Let them eat cake!” 😉

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